~Yummy Yummy~

+Front view+

~Back view~

*Side view*
The lobster are from the (yue Shang Hai).. Heard that 1 lobster like this cost RM200+..Cost very expensive ler..
My friend birthday was on 1st of march..Luckily she din born on 29 of feb hahaha...That day my friends and i went pizza hut to celebrate.. There are some picture we took that day..
This the cake i bought that day..American chocolate oo...XD
All my friends are monkey and of coz i am too.. So how can no PISANG ler??HAHA =D

This the birthday girl..She's my best friend 0..hehe

How this pic?? Still ok lar.. My skill not that lousy lar..HAHA

This are our group photo taken by the birthday girl sis.. Don't care about me,i move too fast so become like that..XD..
The party ended at 9.30 something.. We were all very happy..
Family Photo..

All Cousin together...
My sis and I..
Brother and sisters..
Just visited to Parents Friends house and then got many "angpau"..XD...Then back home play computer games..lolz..
We have open house today..Many people were here..My friends were there too..I play poker with them and earn "MUCH" money back..HAHA...
Din go anywhere le,just wait for other who havent come de come lor..LoLx..That day was my uncle birthday so at night he treated all of us to "Lee Garden" to have dinner...Here were the pictures took on that night..

To be continue...

Haha...The guy with cap very Handsome...XD.. His smile very sweet ler...